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Amazing Community. Amazing Clean Up.

Last Saturday, our community came together with ReThink Plastic Vietnam for the annual Clean-up Day event. It was a fantastic occasion to help clean up our local area and to mark Earth Day, as well as teach younger members of the community the importance of protecting our environment.

Below are some reflections from students as well as photos from the day

“I was really proud of myself because I normally don’t do such a thing like pick up the trash.”

“There was so much garbage, not only plastic. It was shocking to see how much people throw on the street and just let it rot there. It was good to clean up, but we weren’t even able to get half of the garbage away.”

“Love Karen (RetThink Plastic) for organizing. Her continuous passion works!! I am happy to see so many kids here today, too”

“This is an amazing experience for me. I got to see how much trash and plastic there is all over the street which we are passing every day. I think we should organize more events like this to encourage people to take part, as it helps to change the world even by a little.”

“Learning through experience is an amazing teacher.”



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