We are delighted to extend our warmest and most heartfelt congratulations to our Cass of 2021 for flourishing as energized, engaged, and empowered learners.
Our ‘Class of 2021’ has demonstrated curiosity, achievement, resilience, and empathy across multiple pathways to graduation (ISHCMC Diploma, IB Certificates and the full IB Diploma). Each student's individual achievement demonstrates our ISHCMC values and mission in action. Such achievement is also representative of ISHCMC’s strong academic program that is grounded in a foundation of wellbeing and a culture of care, and prepares students for outstanding performance, even in two abnormal years.
It is with particular pride that, as an inclusive IB Diploma school, we share with you the highlights of the IB Diploma and Diploma courses results that our ‘Class of 2021’ received from the International Baccalaureate on 06 July 2021:
100% pass rate for full IB DP candidates (above the expected global average of 89%)
The highest point score of 45
30% of students achieved 40 or above
69% of the cohort achieved in the top quartile of IB DP points
36 average points (above the expected global average of 33)
76% of the cohort achieved at or above expected global average of 33
51% Bilingual Diplomas (above the expected global average of 23%)
These results exceed global averages and are consistent with the high level of academic performance that our ISHCMC graduates demonstrate year on year.
Our graduate’s successes would not be possible without the incredible support from their parents. We are forever grateful for our partnership with our parents and value the trust that our parents place in us. Our graduate’s successes would also not be possible without the strong support and guidance from their teachers. We are incredibly grateful for our teacher’s creativity and adaptability that ensured our ‘Class of 2021’ remained energized, engaged, and were empowered throughout the program. We also extend our appreciation to Ms. Laney Rweyemamu for her ongoing leadership, support, guidance, and advocacy for our IBDP students.
Through a strong foundation of wellbeing, each of our students moves into their future empowered with the qualifications, skills, self-belief, and passion to continue their successful learning journey. Each of our graduates will be moving into many different and exciting pathways; for some they will spend a gap year focusing on their passions and service to others, for some they are bound for military service, for others they are off to universities and colleges around the world. To find out more about the acceptances to universities / colleges for this year’s graduating class, click here.
At ISHCMC, we inspire wellbeing and learning so that each of our diverse, internationally minded students flourish as an energized, engaged, and empowered learner. We are proud of our ‘Class of 2021’ for being exceptional and for always embodying the ISHCMC mission.