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Celebration of Cultures – Recap + Full Flag Parade Coverage

Last week, our annual Celebration of Cultures took place throughout ISHCMC. A fantastic day where our entire community comes together and celebrates how diverse we are. With country booths held at both our Primary and Secondary and a huge Flag parade celebration to round of the week, it was a fantastic occasion!

Check this recap video below:

Sharing on the event, Evan Johnson, Events & Community Outreach Manager, “"The energy on both campuses during Celebration of Cultures Week was incredibly fun and rejuvenating, and our parents, students, and facilities team deserve a big round of applause for making it so special.”

“And it really is special that we can celebrate diversity in this way. It's a reminder to not take for granted that we're able to celebrate different traditional dress, games, music, and cultural customs from around the world all in one place, safely and with joy. In some corners of the world, diversity is not safe; diversity is even considered a threat. Our celebration sends a great message to our students and community that not only is it safe to be diverse and inclusive, but it's appreciated and it's welcome. That's ultimately why we have these opportunities"

A huge thank you to our amazing PTO, and Community Engagement Team for all their hard work putting on this event! It was wonderful to once again all be together and a great reminder of how incredible our community is.

Below you can find a link to full coverage of the Flag Parade:



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