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Weekly Update: Latest News From Our Head of School

Dear Parents

I hope that this message finds you and your family well as we come to the end of this week.

I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to you, our parents, for all of your support. I acknowledge that Omincon is currently making this an unsettling time. Your understanding and ongoing support of the protocols we have implemented this week as a result of the recent government directives is appreciated.

Over the week we were excited to see our primary school classes all return to school. My highlight of the week was the smiles on the faces of our primary school students as they received their ‘Green Rhino Pass’ before heading back into on-campus learning.

Today we had the pleasure of welcoming a special group of visitors from the US Embassy and US Consulate of Vietnam onto our primary school campus. We were thrilled to welcome Mrs. Suzuko Knapper, wife of Ambassador Mark Knapper, Mr. Graham Harlow, Management Officer, Ms. Caitlin Cassot, Control Officer, and Ms. Thu Nguyen, Admin Assistant, Community Liaison Office. During their visit, they thanked the ISHCMC team for the incredible support and teaching quality during the home-based learning period.

On Wednesday we were pleased to host an official delegation led by the Chairman of the Thu Duc City People’s Committee, Mr. Hoang Tung and his team that included;:

  • Chief of Office of the People's Committee of Thu Duc City - Mr. Quang

  • Deputy Head of Department of Education and Training - Mr. Quy

  • Specialist of Department of Education and Training - Ms. Tu Ni

  • Vice Chairman of Thao Dien Ward - Mr. Sy

  • News specialist of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City, in charge of news of Thu Duc City, Mr. Loc

  • Police and staff of Medical Center

The purpose of the visit was to review the implementation of the COVID protocols at ISHCMC. Our guests visited the library, classrooms, observed students in the corridors and the cafeteria in addition to undertaking a close review of our health center, isolation room and medical practices. The visiting guests were impressed with the protocols and actions that are being taken at ISHCMC to mitigate the spread of COVID. This visit was highlighted in the local media of which you can view here.

I am proud of our ISHCMC Rhinos who continue to demonstrate resilience, one or our core values, as they adapt and respond to learning on-campus or at home. Our preference is always to have our students with us on-campus and we have seen that the recent changes in protocols are making a difference and reducing the transmission of COVID in our community.

At the end of this week we had 17 secondary school and 19 primary school students, in addition to 12 members of staff, reported as new suspected positive COVID cases. We currently have 73 secondary students and 34 primary students who are currently F1. Our EE-KG classes that are in home-based learning include EEA, EEB, EE4A, EE4B, KGA and KGB.

We know from watching Ominicon move through other countries and communities that we are in the early stages of a cycle. There is a great session planned on Monday 07 March from 5:00 - 6:00pm in which you can gain information about the current COVID-19 situation in Vietnam, Omnicon updates and find out more about F0 & F1 . I look forward to seeing you at the session which will be hosted virtually at this link..

I extend my gratitude to all of our ISHCMC team, students and parents for ensuring that we work together as one community to Stay Safe Together. As we continue to navigate through our current journey it is important that if your child is demonstrating symptoms, please keep them at home. This ultimately means that if your child does test positive this reduces the number of potential close contacts.

Have a beautiful weekend,

Kim Green,

Head of School



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