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Extended Essay Celebration and Viva Voce - 23th November

Mark your calendars! The Extended Essay Celebration and Viva Voce for the Grade 12 students is right around the corner! The Viva Voce, “the living voice,” is an opportunity for students to defend and reflect on the process of their paper. It is an amazing opportunity to see our Grade 12’s learning at work. The students will be asked questions regarding the various components of their Extended Essay research question and topic and reflect on the challenges and successes of their work. The Viva Voce is led by their supervisor.

On Wednesday, November 23, beginning at 6:00 pmin the Secondary School Theater a formal presentation will take place where three students will present on their journey, then we will transition into each student participating their individual Viva Voce in rooms lining the 3rd floor.

Our Grade 12s has been working diligently on their paper and we want to celebrate their journey! Open to everyone who would like to learn more!



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