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Food, Fun, and Festivities: A Recap of World Food Fest!

Last Saturday’s World Food Fest was a fantastic success! The event brought together students, parents, teachers, and staff to celebrate the incredibly diverse culture represented in our school community. At the food festival, parent country representatives ran food booths offering their own traditional dishes for everyone to try, and students showcased their respective countries with lively performances. The event was a melting pot of cultures, and it was a truly unforgettable experience for everyone who attended.

Our Primary Campus was filled with wonderful smells from across the world, and the sounds of the music and laughter filled the venue. The booths were decorated with flags and other traditional items, creating a truly immersive experience. Visitors could sample a wide range of delicious food!

The performances by the students were a highlight of the event. Each group had prepared a dance or song representing their country, and the performances were a feast for the eyes and ears. The audience cheered and clapped along, enjoying the wonderful display of talent and cultural richness.

Our community is very diverse, with students and families from all over the world. The World Food Fest is an opportunity for everyone to come together and celebrate this diversity. It is a chance to learn about different cultures, to try new foods, and to make new friends.

We would like to extend a huge thank you to all the parent country representatives who worked tirelessly to make the event a success. Without their hard work and dedication, the World Food Fest would not have been possible. We are truly grateful for their efforts.

More photos of the event will be shared soon, so keep an eye out for them on the Rhino Hub and social media channels. We hope that everyone who attended the World Food Fest had a fantastic time and that it helped to foster a deeper appreciation and understanding of our diverse community.

For more photos, click here


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