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Jungle Book Tickets Available Now!


We are delighted to announce that the Jungle Book tickets are now ready for collection in the Primary Office! 🎟️✨

Little notes:

  • All cast members will be given 2 tickets for each performance by Mr. Jack (i.e., 6 tickets total).

  • Should you require more tickets, please see Mr. Jack. Also, if you don’t need all 6 tickets, please return them to Mr. Jack.

  • All non-cast and crew families wishing to attend, please come to the Primary Office between 8am and 4pm daily to pick up your free tickets.

Performances are in the Secondary Theatre and will take place on the following dates:

  • Thursday, June 6th at 6:30pm

  • Friday, June 7th at 6:30pm

  • Saturday, June 8th at 11:30am

Don't miss out on this spectacular event—pick up your tickets today and join us for an unforgettable adventure! A big thank you to our G3-G5 Students from the Jungle Book production, Cast and Crew and the Teachers Directing and supporting this amazing Production 🌟🎭🌿


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