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PTO Catch up - Secondary Leadership

Secondary Leadership Meeting Agenda 8.24.22

Attendees: Caleb Archer (Secondary Principal), Tony Le (PTO Exec Board

Treasurer), Evan Johnson (Events Community Outreach Mgr)

Item - Transition plan from Primary to Secondary


G6 has a detailed onboarding that has been run by the GLL. It represents the fact that many students are new to ISHCMC and have no background information before joining. This will continue.

G5 will be visiting for transition days and also invited to join some events and activities. These activities will be coordinated by Kate and Caleb and added to the calendar

Actions - Caleb and Kate to coordinate a transition program for students and parents from Studio 5.

Deadline - Feedback to PTO on dates, by November 31st Caleb to add a meeting to Google calendar

Item - Academic levels – how are the needs of students who exhibit higher levels of learning being met. (Math and Language)

Notes - The MYP allows students to extend their knowledge through application. Individual subjects also allow for additional clubs that provide prep for maths competitions and external.

From G8 onwards, maths classes are split based on the G7 results. If there are individual questions from parents regarding their child’s class placement, please contact the Leader of Learning: Mr. Kieran Wardell

In languages this is an ongoing conversation and we are looking for solutions.

Actions - PTO to revisit this question next month. A key contacts list of the GLL & LL’s & Coordinators. To be added at the top of the “Meet Our Teachers Link” on the Back to School website.

Deadline - Caleb to give specific feedback at the next PTO meeting.

Item - Digital v analog teaching/learning – how will ISHCMC ensure this is balanced?

Notes - Balance means different things to different people. Teachers are all engaging with this issue. Please feel free to discuss any concerns or observations directly with teachers.

Item - Wellbeing and Safeguarding – need a formal update on who is in charge and what is the protocol for issues that arise, so we ensure students are being cared for and supported.

Notes - All COGNITA schools have a DSL who is in charge of safeguarding across the school. Every campus has a Deputy DSL who is based on the campus.

Priya is our DSL and Emma Baxendale is our DDSL. They can be contacted directly at any time.

Emma and Priya:

Wellbeing is part of the DHoS role and there will be a wellbeing council which will send out specific information to parents as required.

For social-emotional counseling support, contact any of our counselors or the counseling office.

Tram Anh Do

Counseling Office Assistant

ISHCMC Secondary Campus

Tel: 38989100 ext 1511

Item - SEQTA timetables still not accurate – parents are concerned there are still gaps in the schedule and if certain subjects will have less instruction time because advisory time is being extended or other events are happening.

Notes - All staff and students have full timetables. Students all receive printed timetables which are visually more accurate (they look “full”) and haven’t changed. No subject time or loading is added or removed due to SEQTA inaccuracies.

Item - Celebration of Cultures week in Oct – how can we make this more engaging and impactful for Secondary students? What tweaks are needed between primary and secondary?

Notes - Recommendation is that all student leadership candidates are engaged with the planning and ideating of the event.

Actions - Evan to contact Preet and get a list of student leadership candidates who could all play a role despite whether they get elected or not. Coordinate a meeting with students soon, encourage involvement.

Item - Phones

Notes - Many parents are giving students phones and allowing them to bring their phones to school. Our current policies do not allow phones to be used in common areas or without express teacher permission. As we work with students to ensure that our focus is on learning and not on phone use or social media, we will need parents to support us.

Deadline - PTO to bring issue to parent community and consolidate feedback by Oct. 1

Item - PTO Composition

Notes - Preet and a Teacher representative

Deadline - PTO to reply by Oct. 1

Topics to cover at next meeting:

Teacher intro and class placements – for the future, can advisory and subject teachers and their bios be communicated 1 week before start of school so families can digest?

Campus facilities – what are the changes planned for the holiday break?

Students need more space for play/recreation especially G6 who just transitioned from Primary. Any plans for the 2 courts on top of the covered carpark as it is being under-utilized due to heat, dust, and lack of shade. Can ISHCMC re-purpose the carpark to provide more space for its students?

Communication is still inconsistent and coming from all over.

Attendance protocol is not consistent as with Primary. Notification of a student’s absence is not being confirmed by the school with a receipt email.



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