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Rhinos Return!

Welcome back Rhinos! With the academic year 2021/22 fully underway, we decided to check in with some of our teachers to see what life is like back in the classroom.

“The beginning of a new school year is always an exciting time and despite the current circumstances we face, the start of this school year is no different. The anticipation of meeting and working with new colleagues, building relationships with new students and welcoming new families to our school community is something I love." :As we navigate through the beginning of this school year in a Home-Based Learning context, I am ready to find new and creative ways to energize and engage my students as the new school year begins.”

Johnathan Phillips

Primary Teacher

How does it feel to be back? Wonderful! It's not how we wanted to start the year but it warmed my heart yesterday seeing all those lovely smiling faces full of enthusiasm on screen. The children have already shown so much resilience. We can truly learn so much from them."

"I'm super proud of my students and I can't wait until we are back together on campus."

Rebecca Forbes

Primary Teacher

"I am delighted to be back at school where I can engage as a member of the ISHCMC community where we are having to show grit and be resilient during this complex time."

Monica Hwang

Visual Arts & Language & Literature Teacher\

"A lot of emotions are present for all of us as we enter the home-based learning space to start the year. Personally, I have engaged in a lot of brainstorming over the summer to think about a few key questions. How could I introduce and sustain systems for students to continue collaborating authentically through the computer? How can I begin to understand the new learners in my classroom and support them academically and pastorally without having met them face to face?

I do have some answers to these questions, but I know my practices will evolve as we gain more experience in this learning environment and I am excited to discover new and innovative practices to support our Rhinos. Having students sit in my virtual classroom has brought me energy and I've been inspired by the perseverance of our community as a whole. I am excited to see what the future holds for our learning community."

Kevin Mount

Secondary Mathematics Teacher



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