All parents and adults of our school are welcome, including staff and faculty:
Talking to Your Kids About Grief, Loss, and Change: Coping Strategies and Meaningful Rituals in Times of Transition
Secondary Campus
Date: Monday, March 20
Time: 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Location: Library (5th Floor)
Talk Description: Many parents fear speaking to their children about death and grief even more than talking about other tough subjects like sex or drugs. Children understand death differently at different ages and developmental stages, and adults process loss differently depending on personality and culture. Knowing what to expect can help parents support the way kids process loss and change. Losing a loved one, a loved pet, or a loved home as an expat and being unable to participate in traditional funeral family gatherings or closure with a community can also complicate grieving. Finding ways to honor memories and share loving stories in homemade rituals can bring comfort to the whole family. Many of the same strategies are relevant for grieving other losses and changes familiar to us all - moving to a new country, losing a pet, or even leaving primary campus for secondary campus.
Speaker: Amy Goldstein, International SOS Health Services Manager, has had a varied career as a global nurse that has included much work in hospice, end of life care, and supporting families through grieving and loss.
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