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How do I access the different systems and portals we use at school? Who can I contact for log-in information?The following are various platforms that parents can access to manage their children’s learning Toddle - Learning Management System. Communication between parents and teachers (primary only), about classroom contents and activities As of February 2023, we are moving to Toddle and phasing out Seesaw SEQTA - Learning Management System. Communication between parents and teachers (secondary only) Meet the Teacher - After-school activity sign-ups (primary only) Powerschool - Database. Student and parents contact info updates (whole school) Log-in information was sent out via email from our IT department on the first day of school. If you are having problems with accessing any of the platforms above, please contact IT Helpdesk at
My children will be departing from ISHCMC. How do I inform the school?The Withdrawal Process at ISHCMC is as follows: Family notifies the admissions office Admissions will send the withdrawal form advise the parents of the leaving process via email Parents submit the completed withdrawal form Other departments will work with the family to complete the sign-out process, in which any outstanding library books/textbooks and devices will be returned to the school before departure. The sign-out process will begin close to the student’s last day of school All leaving students will receive two supporting documents (Statement of Enrollment and School Reports) from the Primary/Secondary Office after completing the sign-out procedure, typically on the last day of school. **Note: We only issue 2 copies of Statement of Enrollment, and 1 copy of the school report. If additional copies are needed, parents can print extra copies from SEQTA or copy the original documents and bring the, to school for official stamps (need at least 2-3 weeks of notice)
My child has transferred to a different school within/outside of Vietnam. Can we still receive this year’s yearbook?Yes, you can still receive the school yearbook after departing ISHCMC/Vietnam. We can arrange overseas delivery, or direct pick up from school. Please email to arrange this.
How do I update my contact information?Please visit our PowerSchool Parent Portal, and update your information via Contact Update under the “General Form” tab. Parents' contact information, current address, emergency contacts can be updated directly, anytime.
What should I do if I have worries about a child’s wellbeing and safety?Safeguarding is something we take very seriously at ISHCMC. We are committed to our duty to safeguard and promote the welfare and wellbeing of children and young people in our care and those who work in the school. Through our work we aim to ensure a safe learning and working environment for students, staff, parents and visitors alike. We take our responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and child protection very seriously. If you have any concerns, please contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads, or any other staff member on campus you feel comfortable talking to.
What should I do if I am worried about my child’s progress?Primary: We encourage parents to first reach out to the homeroom teachers for any concerns regarding their child’s progress at school. Since students meet their homeroom teachers every day, they would be the best person to talk to. Point of contacts (via Toddle or email): Homeroom teacher Lower/Upper PYP Coordinator (Ishbel How/Daniel Barker) Principal/Vice Principal Secondary: If you are concerned about your child’s progress in a specific subject(s), please reach out to the subject teacher. The subject teachers will have the best understanding of your child’s progress in class and would be able to provide any support your child may need. Point of contacts (via SEQTA or email): Specific subject teacher Advisory teacher/Leader of Learning MYP (Simon Scoones) or DP Coordinator (Laney Rweyemamu)
How do I read my child’s school report? MAP test?Primary There is no grading or scoring system. Report cards in primary contain teacher feedback and comments. Parents are always welcome to schedule a meeting with their child’s homeroom teacher if they have any questions or concerns about their child’s progress. Secondary We follow the IBO grading system, providing scores from 7 to 1. Teacher feedback is also provided. Parents are always welcome to schedule a meeting with their child’s subject teacher if they have any questions or concerns about their child’s progress. MAP test The MAP tests are just one data point that we use to determine what students can do and know, so goals can be set to measure progress and growth for each individual student. Students cannot pass or fail these tests. For more information, please visit: Reading MAP test result
What are parent-teacher conferences? Three way conferences? Student-led conference?Parent-teacher conference - for students Teachers will connect with you by sharing a little about themselves and also asking about you and your child/children. Teachers will ask if there is anything you wish them to know about your child/children. Teachers will share a little around what they have noticed about your child/children, offering observations around: Friendships Engagement Approaches to learning Life at home / outside school Language profile at home Three way conference - with students The purpose of the three way conference is to provide time for a meaningful and constructive conversation between student, parent and teacher about learning with the student leading the conversation. The focus is on self-reflection on learning and identifying a growth area (goal setting). Student-led conference - by students Student Led Conferences are led by the student independently. This is a time for students to share about their learning and independent growth as well as seek constructive feedback from the teachers and parents.
Is swimming class attendance mandatory when my child is at school?Because swimming is an essential life skill, we emphasize the importance of swimming class at ISHCMC. The general rule is that if a student is at school, they participate in swim class. The school must be notified with a proper doctor’s note if there is a medical reason to skip swimming.
Can my child bring medicine to take on campus?Medication must be provided in the original packaging, with a clear medication name/dose and expiry date. The original packaging should include the student's full name, or be accompanied by a prescription. Prior to administration the medication is required to be handed into the Wellness Center and a medication administration form completed by the parents.
How will ISHCMC support my child’s transition into ISHCMC as a new student?We have an "ISHCMC Buddy" system, where new students are matched with existing ones who share similar backgrounds, cultures, and languages, and plays a crucial role in helping them feel at home in their new school and community. The buddy can share their experiences and provide information about the school, including where to find resources, who to talk to for support, and how to get involved in clubs and other extracurricular activities. The ISHCMC buddy system ensures that every child has a smooth transition to ISHCMC every day. There are many other support systems students can explore, such as our qualified counseling team, available in both primary and secondary.
How does ISHCMC support my child’s transition from primary to secondary?We have a transition program from S5 to G6. During the school year, S5 students are invited to visit the Secondary campus to experience and understand about their upcoming school life in Secondary. Parent Information Sessions will also be offered to introduce student engagement and expectations.
My child has a fever. Can she/he still come to school?Students must remain at home if they have a fever above 37.6°C, until they are fever-free for 24 hrs without medication. If a student develops fever on campus, our nursing staff will assess the student and make the decision if the student needs to be sent home. As per school fever policy the student is required to remain home until fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication
What kind of extracurriculars (co-curriculars) are available?After school activities (ASA) Various activities that students can participate in. New sign-ups and choices of activities every term Uses MeetTheTeacher for sign-up Open for students KG and up Contact: Rhino Sports Different sports are available for each seasons, tryout information shared via Toddle and notice board at staircase A, 4th floor Participates in tournaments with other schools Includes variety of sports such as soccer, gymnastics, basketball, badminton etc. Open for students G1 and up, depending on the type of sports Contact: Stingrays In-school swim team, participates in meets with other schools Tryouts at the beginning of each semester (on Stingrays page via Rhino Hub) Runs throughout the whole academic calendar year For G1-12 students Contact: Learn2Swim ISHCMC aquatics offers a LEARN2SWIM Program for students of all ages. It is an after school fee-based program that runs throughout the academic year. Contact: IPAA Students will have the opportunity to learn a wide variety of musical instruments with our dedicated, professional music teachers. Contact:
My child’s birthday is coming up and I want her/him to celebrate with friends on campus. What can I do?Celebrations (including a simple birthday cake) in class are to be minimal in nature and should focus on the child, and will generally take place at the end of the school day during the last period in the homeroom classroom. Please be aware that we are a nut-free campus.
What kind of things can my EE/KG child participate in?Swim classes Swim classes as part of a daily class schedule starts in term 4 of EE4. Children will learn how to familiarize themselves with water Bus transportation Due to safety reasons, school bus services are available for students EE4 and up. After school Activities (ASA) After school activities (ASA) are open for students KG and up EE-KG students can participate in Learn2Swim and IPAA
What is SEQTA? How can I use SEQTA?SEQTA is a learning management system for secondary to communicate all matters regarding learning and student day to day studies. SEQTA is the best way for you to keep up-to-date with student learning, grades, feedback and to connect with teachers using Direct Messages. If you need to reset your SEQTA password, please email Detailed information on how to navigate SEQTA can be found here (translated slides in Vietnamese, Korean, and Japanese can be found here)
What do co-curricular activities/CAS look like?It is important to ensure a balance between after-school activities and academic responsibilities. Variety of co-curricular and CAS offerings are available for G6-12 students. New sign-ups are available every term. Information on Learning beyond the classroom can be found on our online handbook. Detailed information on CAS can be found on our CAS resources page
What is Positive ISHCMC?Positive ISHCMC is a course that students take alongside their academic classes.These lessons occur once per cycle (every 10 days) and are delivered to students by Positive Education Leaders at ISHCMC. Information on class contents can be found on our online handbook.
What is a house team? What is their purpose?The ISHCMC House System promotes school spirit via activities in the school. There are four “houses” that group students across grades. All students and teachers are assigned to one of the following houses: Buffaloes (blue), Cobras (red), Dragons (green), and Tigers (yellow) when they first enter the school. House assignments do not change during the students’ time at ISHCMC. Siblings are assigned to the same house. Each house works together as a team to add a sense of ‘togetherness’ across the school.
What is the uniform policy at ISHCMC?Students are expected to wear their school uniform on all school days. Athletic shoes are preferred student footwear at ISHCMC. Shoes that do not provide adequate support (e.g. flip–flops, open–back sandals, and crocs) are not permitted. ISHCMC holds occasional non-uniform or themed days, where we ask students to wear respectful and appropriate clothing. For further details please refer to our Online Handbook
What are the lunch options for my child(ren)?Global Cafe Primary Parents/Students should sign up for the lunch option through our google ordering form for EE, KG and Grade 1 and choose from our daily menu options. Grade 2-5 will be able to opt into the food service by selecting yes in their form and they will choose directly from the hot food counters. Secondary students choose their food directly from the counter. Packed lunch Students are also welcomed to bring a packed lunch home. Please be aware that we are a nut-free campus; the lunch items/snacks should not contain any nuts and/or nut products.
My child will be absent today/in the near future. Who do I contact?Please contact the primary/secondary office, as well as your child’s homeroom (primary)/advisory (secondary) teacher. Primary office: Secondary office: If your child uses the school bus, please contact the bus monitors or our transportation manager to inform in advance. Transportation:
My child will be coming to school a bit late. Who do I contact?First, parents should inform the primary/secondary office of the late arrival via email. Students must visit the office and pick up a late pass upon arrival and go to their classroom according to their schedule.Students are always welcome to visit the wellness center for any necessary assistance when they are not feeling well. If the nurse deems the student unwell to participate in class and needs to be sent home, they will contact the parents via phone. Upon departure, students will receive a ticket that will allow them to leave school early with faculty/staff signature, which should be handed to the security guard at the school gate.
What is the difference between excused absence vs unexcused absence?Excused Absences Absences are considered excused when they meet any of the following conditions: Attending school-sponsored activities Illness or injury prevents the student from physically attending school Local health professional orders the isolation of the student Death of an immediate family member Emergency medical, dental or other similar emergency appointments The student is observing an event specifically required by the religion of the student or student’s parents The student is obtaining a visa or fulfilling other Vietnamese residency requirements A reason not listed above that has been approved in advance by the Primary or Secondary Principal Unexcused Absences Absences are considered unexcused when they fail to meet any of the conditions listed under Excused Absences. Examples of events that would be deemed unexcused are: Family vacations, visits, and trips Healthcare visits that could be arranged outside school hours Local or overseas educational courses or camps Leaving early for non-ISHCMC sporting competitions For more information, please refer to our Online Handbook
What is parent coffee morning? How can I be notified of them?There are two types of parent coffee mornings at ISHCMC Organized by PTO Details shared via Whatsapp groups and RhinoHub Informal meetings for parents to catch up, connect with other parents/school leadership etc Organized by the Secondary team Communicated via SEQTA notices Informational meeting regarding various topics regarding school life and education happening on secondary campus At primary, we have Parent Education workshops offered by members of the academic team, where parents can receive information on how their children’s learning looks in primary. Time and date for these sessions are communicated via Toddle.
Can parents use the school facilities? When?Parents are always welcome to visit the school with parents school ID Library hours: Monday-Friday, 8AM-4PM Cafe lounge hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30AM-4PM For any inquiries about ISHCMC facility reservation, please refer to our online handbook or contact
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